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Calling to the Rain

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Inviting Through Ceremony

In California, we - the people, the animals, the vegetation, the soil - would all benefit from more rain before the dry season starts.

I have heard a call to do ceremony in this regard. I'll have more to share, but for the moment, I would simply like to invite you to join me.

Starting February 28th - NEXT Monday, at 8:00 PM Pacific Time, I will be hosting ceremony on three consecutive Mondays (2/28, 3/7, and 3/14), each at 8:00 PM. Ceremony will be via Zoom, and will last for about an hour, with time for questions and reflection at the end.

The ceremonies will create an opportunity for us to resonate with the beauty and abundance that comes with "just the right amount" of rain. Perhaps we will have an influence on the energies that bring the rain. Perhaps we'll simply have the opportunity to drop deeply into the gift that is the rain, and the beauty it brings.

If you are interested, please sign up here, at my new MOMENCE page (the platform that I'm using now for classes and events - it's still a work in progress). You can also email me at (or, if you still have, that will also work); post a comment here or send me a contact form on the BeVital.Life website. If you have my number, you can text me.

Please pass the word. Using Zoom, we can gather a large tribe. Each ceremony experience will be accessible, informative, soothing, and fun. Please try to commit to all three if you can - the momentum we build will be helpful. Nonetheless, better to have you there than not, so come when you can.

No experience necessary. If you've done breathwork with me, or meditation, you'll find yourself quite at home. If you're new to my work, I think you'll be delighted.

I will provide more details specific to each evening, but in general, the flow will be:

  • Connecting (2/28) - We'll resonate with/connect to the elements and processes that deliver rain to our beautiful home.

  • Inviting (3/7) - We'll invite, welcome, and encourage "just the right amount" of rain to fall, and feel into what that will be like for the beauty of our physical, emotional, spiritual, and metaphorical gardens.

  • Celebrating (3/14) - We'll reflect in gratitude on the blessings of the rain we've already received, and into a grateful stewardship of the water that we depend on for our vitality, health, and joy.

Please join me in celebrating the sacred waters that so generously serve us. For your participation, I say, "Pilamayelo," which in Lakota means, "You cause gratitude to rise up in me."

I'll share more details soon.

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