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A Love Song to the Rain in Three Ceremonies

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Love ALWAYS matters

I'm excited and honored that you might participate in these ceremonies dedicated to the rain. As I've been preparing, I've had some questions about what to expect and what our intention is in doing these ceremonies.

Some of you science-minded folks are skeptical that we could actually influence the patterns of the rain.

Some of you are rightfully concerned about whether we should be trying to influence the patterns of the rain.

Some of you are wondering if that's the purpose, explicit or implicit, in the ceremony work.

These are great inquiries. And I've been thinking about how to express my perspective on all of it. Yesterday, a clear and simple explanation popped into my head:

We're gathering to sing a love song. To the rain, to the processes that create it, and to everything that is nurtured by it.

Very simple.

And in doing so, we can express our longing for more rain. We can express our delight in how it forms. We can invite and encourage it, the way we would encourage anyone we love, to spend more time with us.

Will what we do have any effect on the weather patterns in the Northern Hemisphere?

Who can say, really.

What I do know is that whenever I have dropped into deep communion with something I love and cherish, it's been good for me, and good for whatever I'm communing with. In other words, love ALWAYS matters, in some way.

There is only upside in this ceremony, the way I envision it. My participation is really a love song to the elements that bring us rain, and the rain itself, and all that is nurtured by the rain.

Do I have an agenda? Yes. I would love more rain.

Am I willing to coerce to get it, even if I could? No. I'm not.

I AM willing to invite it, though.

If there are powers greater and wiser than me that strongly feel that no more rain should come our way, I can STILL sing a love song to the rain, and hope for its company, and, in the end, feel deeper gratitude for the gifts it brings.

If you feel called to participate, please sign up here, at my new MOMENCE page (the platform that I'm using now for classes and events - it's still a work in progress). You can also email me at (or, if you still have, that will also work); post a comment here or send me a contact form on the BeVital.Life website. If you have my number, you can text me.

Please pass the word. Using Zoom, we can gather a large tribe. Each ceremony experience will be accessible, informative, soothing, and fun. Please try to commit to all three if you can - the momentum we build will be helpful. Nonetheless, better to have you there than not, so come when you can.

No experience necessary. If you've done breathwork with me, or meditation, you'll find yourself quite at home. If you're new to my work, I think you'll be delighted.

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